Dear Members of Drummond Trinity CC,
As you will be aware from previous correspondence, the Drummond Trinity Annual General Meeting for 2023-2024 will take place on Wednesday 7 February at the Spice Lounge Restaurant. The AGM will start promptly at 7.30pm, so please aim to arrive about 7pm.
Please find attached to this email;
- Drummond Trinity AGM 2024 Agenda
- Minutes of the Last AGM (Feb 2023)
- Club Statement of Accounts 2023
The following item will be circulated by Monday 5 February.
- Proposal for Subscriptions and Match Fees 2024
There will be no formal food or drinks organised by the club on this occasion. However, members can buy drinks before, during and after the AGM, and it is likely that most of the committee and other club members will be staying on to eat at the Spice Lounge afterwards.
I look forward to seeing lots of you next Wednesday, any questions do not hesitate to get in touch with me at as well as to register your absence if you are unable to attend.
Yours sincerely,
Tom Turpie (Secretary, Drummond Trinity CC)