Drummond Trinity Cricket Club: Sponsored by CARS4YOU News story

Dates for the diary

26 Mar 2019

As we get nearer to April and the sun is shining (well sort of) there is certain events

we want you all to stick in your diary.

Outdoor Nets

As the indoor nets have been such a success the club has booked outdoor sessions

starting from Wednesday 10th April 2019 and we are hoping that these will continue

throughout the season (if there is demand). These have been organised at

Newfield Playing Fields (off Arboreteum Road, opposite where the indoor nets are)

and they initially will run from 6.00 until 7.30pm these times will change as the nights

get lighter and we will keep you informed of any changes.

Next Committee Meeting

This has been arranged for Thursday 11th April 2019 at 7.00pm at the Victoria

Park House Hotel, if any members would like to attend feel free to come along or if

you have anything that you would like to raise with the committee, please do so

beforehand to our secretary Tom Turpie at tomturpie@hotmail.com 

Pre-Season Social event

This will be held at the Victoria Park House Hotel on Thursday 18th April from 7.00pm

and is a chance to get together existing and new members before the season starts.

The club will be providing a buffet for all (Halal meat and Vegetarian will be

provided for) and there will also be the opportunity for paid up members to pick up

their new playing kit for the season.


If you have any questions on any of the above, please ask.