Hi everyone
Your subscription to the club is due this month. The levels decided at the AGM are the same as last year with one exception (midweek fees have been reduced).
Centrally contracted players £150 (£75 unwaged). This works out at 6 monthly payments of £25 (£12.50 unwaged)
Pay as you play £20 (£10 unwaged)
New members get free for first season
Weekend match fee £10 (£5 unwaged)
Midweek match fee £5 (£3 unwaged)
Nets £5 (£3 unwaged)
Bank details are unchanged from last season. Cheques should be made payable to Drummond Trinity Cricket Club and given to our new Treasurer, Grant Weatherstone, or any other committee member. If you require bank details, contact myself or Grant.
Hope to see you at nets.
Dave Armstrong